yesterday they came home with the most wonderful cards
and E was clearly very sad at bedtime.
daddy came to the rescue, and popped out to the supermarket to buy sweets for them to give to all their friends.
and I printed out party invites, (yes amidst all the moving chaos we're planning a party- we must be mad - oh you knew that already.......) and new address notes.
and this morning we set off in the most horrendous rain (and this would be the day that Miss K had left her coat at school.......) carrying sweets, cards, and lovingly made presents for the teachers
Miss K's design is a book, you can't see the lines of stitches that form the pages, and she delighted in using the lettering on my sewing machine to write the "by Miss K"
E's teacher just had to have a Caterpillar, flowers would NOT do............... just as well I hadn't packed the buttons..... and he sewed them all on himself!
we're off to a cottage for a week tomorrow, leaving behind all the chaos, I just need to pack.... oh and before we go I need to book a new removal company, the one we had chosen is now fully booked - I was supposed to confirm it on Monday, and I forgot - J might just be a bit cross..........
hope you all have a lovely week, and I hope this rain stops!
t x