we're going on a trip tomorrow, and I need to pack. train tickets. theatre tickets stadium tickets a picnic extra snacks....... (can't risk running out of cake!) and other very useful things.
but most important of all I need to pack my new socks well I need something to do on the train. as well as listening to the inevitable "are we there yet?"
Saturday was a very hectic day. fun. exciting. thrilling. and exhausting. which thankfully meant that Sunday morning the youngest visitor slept a lot later than she did on Saturday morning...
we decided to go in search of beautiful gardens, and tranquility. and possibly cake.
through the very gorgeous gate ( I want one of these soooooo much - don't know where I'd put it but......)
past St Francis
and pause to admire the amazing view.
down below there is plenty of activity, games, challenges and cake,
but I am more enchanted by the gorgeous gardens
love love love these dahlias
this one was almost glowing it was so bright
and there were dainty ballerina skirted blooms too
and fiery red hot flames of colour
and I decided that monastic life might be quite tempting, I could sit in those gorgeous gardens, and contemplate life, and admire the view.
perhaps not all the time, but for summer holiday frazzled mums it would be lovely if they ran an after school club xoxo
when you have a house full of visitors, some who get up very early "Auntie Tess is it MORNING YET?" then you have plenty of time to do baking before breakfast. and if you need a healthy snack later, the cool green smoothie machine comes to the rescue.
when you need to entertain your visitors then what better than dogs chasing a tea towel?
in the exhibit tent there's a prize for Mr Driftwood and his photos,
and for some stripes!
and prizes for Miss K
but tears for E, not because he didn't win (in fact he did win with his biscuit) but because I didn't tell him there was a lego modelling competiton..........
"and all the entries are just from kits mummy, and I would have built a proper model, and I've never ever seen a lego competition before...... sob sob"
bad mummy of the year prize goes to me then.......................
he had to eat all the rockbuns,
and some bright blue biscuits before he felt better, and forgave me...........