The Bones of You - by Debbie Howells
The Bones of You is a psychological thriller set in a quiet village in which a teenage girl is murdered. A seemingly perfect family begins to fall apart at the seams as the story unfolds. Nothing is ever quite as it seems.......
The narrative comes mostly from a mum in the village - Kate, her connection with the girl and her need to know what happens, which at times make her get too close, and lose her perspective.
The strongest voice in the story though comes from Rosie, the murdered girl. As she dies the story of her life is played out in front of her, allowing her to see from another perspective things that happened as she grew up, and how they led to what happened to her. Her voice is regretful yet insightful.
Each chapter was short and left you wanting more, switching between the story of Kate and the voice of Rosie. Slowly more and more is revealed, secrets unfold and layers of deception are discovered.
I couldn't put it down, and read it until very late at night, and the next day when I really really had other things I should have been doing..........
The sign of a good book I always think, one that makes you resent the time away from it.
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reviewed for mumsnetter bloggers network, with thanks to Kensington for the book.
reviews by other mumsnetter bloggers
joining in with Circle of Pines a year in books.