Monday, 24 November 2008

sewing and shoes, fingers and toes

well a little bit of Christmas sewing has got finished, this was a sample for the rainbow quilt I made, and it has LOADS of mistakes in it, but I couldn't just throw it out, so it's been finished for Miss K and her dolly Rosie. One down, quite a few more to go.....

I seem to have failed hopelessly at joining in Nancy's week of shoes, so instead these are the shoes of the moment - slippers, with truly ridiculous knee high socks from M&S which are keeping me warm and toasty!

just as well as yesterday we woke up to this, all gone now, but still very chilly!

the rest of the time I live in these, Ali would describe it as being loyal to her shoes, but in fact it's more the other way round, after 2 steroid injections in my ankle for a torn tendon I'm wary of anything other than trainers, in case it flares up again. Not sure what they'll look like with a party frock on at Christmas....

have been doing lots of extra walking this week due to this

Miss K bit her nails SO much that the end of her finger got infected, and I've had to walk to school at lunchtime every day for a week to deliver this

perhaps NOW she'll stop biting them....

other ways we've found of stopping her biting her nails includes this method, bundle her up in a sleeping bag, and make her crawl about the kitchen floor like a big green slug! and no we're not mad and going camping - Miss K went to Brownie pack holiday.


  1. your quilt is lovely as are the stripey socks. We had snow for a short while too but today it's been hailstones on and off. I used to bite my nails too and I just kinda grew out of it
    Lisa x

  2. Oooooh, love those stripey socks. Knee length too - how delightful!

    The quilt looks great - can't spot the deliberate errors - lucky Miss K and her dolly :o)

  3. I can't see any mistakes! And nothing beats a pair of stripey knee socks. K x

  4. I LOVE the slug photo ;-) it has really made me giggle as it is exactly what we used to do at that age too ;-) Although our sleeping bags were a dodgy brown color so we were worms not slugs!!

  5. An infection, gosh, if that doesn't stop her biting her nails.............. will anything?! Oh yes............ sorry, I'd forgotten the slug remedy!!!!!!! : )

  6. You did get snow after all!! And I love the quilt.

    But the burning question here: Did you wear those shoes to the Scottish wedding???

  7. I love that rainbow quilt!!! It turned out great. It's still snowing here...I've finally got my boots out of storage!!

  8. LOL at shoving Miss K in a sleeping bag - I hope she has a nice time at camp!

  9. Oh no! Poor Miss K! Hope she is on the end. Sounds nasty!
    Knee length socks ROCK, and are just perfect for this time of year, me thinks.x

  10. Your quilt looks wonderful, as hard as I try I can't see any mistakes, great job!
    I was a nail biter all my life until the age of 44, don't ask me what happened I just stopped doing it just like that, now I have very nice nails even if I do say so!
    I hope it doesn't take your daughter that long, I just about drove my mother nuts!

  11. Oooh there's nothing nicer than snuggly socks on a chilly evening. Love the stripey ones. My special ones from Noa Noa might get an outing soon!

  12. Hi, those are some socks! And what a gorgeous quilt. Hope feet and nails are better soon.
    Margaret and Noreen

  13. Oh my goodness I used to bite my nails as a kid but a lady down the road told me a story about someone biting their nails and swallowing the bits. Their appendix burst and all the little nail bits infected them and they died. I never swallowed the bits but it was enough to stop me!
    I think the dolls quilt is gorgeous, working on some myself.


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