Friday, 8 February 2013

recently random

extremely random things I have learnt recently.

When uploading new software needed for new job onto ancient laptop Do Not start at 8.30pm thinking it won't take long. You will end up watch a film in which people are chased by mummies and then another film in which escaped prisoners are chased by Tommy Lee Jones. You will eventually go to bed at 2am and be no good for anything the next day.

When you are learning things for new job write Everything down. you will think you will remember the easy little things, like what lives in what file. but you won't. because your head is full of a million new things and you won't even remember to drink your tea before it goes cold.

When you have to do training for new job, that is the time youngest child will get struck down with a killer abdominal migraine. When you finally get him back to school 3 days later he will get sent home again because he has bumped his head on the table.... So relieved this job is from home.

I started sewing lavender fish again. I forgot how much I like making them. Expect to see lots of fish photos soon.

I need to load new photo software onto the computer. I will NOT start late at night.

It has been GSCE choices this week. This has not been a good time.  Way too stressful.

When you are desperate for something quick for dinner then smoked salmon mousse balls reduced enormously at the end of the day make a surprisingly delicious pasta sauce that everyone eats. How bizarre is that.

I need to buy some new slippers. my feet are always cold. recommendations please.

when you are feeling rubbish twitter has the answer, not smarties.


  1. So glad I am not The Only One to have those kind of life experiences...
    I am just packing up for a weekend away on the Norfolk Broads. The weather here feels Arctic. There is snow/sleet forecast for Sunday. The cottage we have rented looks like a (beautiful) shed. The shed's garden is flooded and we need Wellies to get to the front door. Both Smalls have hideous colds. I have lost the camera.

    Hope the job is going OK, even with mishaps and mummy films. Have a great weekend missus,Axxxx

  2. Salmon mousse balls. Must try that. Recommend Primark £5 pretend uggs. They make very good winter slippers! J x

  3. Something involving sheepskin for the slippers? I have found that every effective, especially when teamed with hand knit socks

  4. Sympathies for the cold feet and the tricky week. I hope life evens out soon. I have sheepskin slippers/boots which reach halfway to my knees and they are extremely warm and comforting. The initial outlay was eye popping but on a cost per wear basis they are extremely good value.

  5. Slippers - proper sheepskin mocassins. They are expensive so mine always have to be a present but they last for ages and they are the only ones that keep my feet warm in our old and not very hot house! Congratulations on new job. Sure it will be fine when it stops being so new!

  6. Hi Tess,

    Sounds like you have had a busy time with your new job and the youngest getting sick. Do hope that things will get sorted for you and you enjoy the work.
    As for the cold feet - a pair of merino socks and warm sheepskin lined slippers would be good.
    Hope you have a happy weekend

  7. That sounds like a bit of a crazy week, I am a fan of accessorize for slippers but then i am partial to very silly very outrageous slippers often with pom poms. Hope next week is a little calmer for you! - Annie

  8. Oooh, hope life eases up a little!

    For warm feet you need these:,

    Worn as slippers. Worth every penny!

  9. UGG slippers - firm soles help sore Mummy feet (if you are on them all day like me) and you can pop outside with them on as well - and the fur inside keeps your toes toasty too ... I have two pairs ... my toes would be unhappy about them ... warm feet always make the day seem a little happier too ...


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