Monday, 14 January 2008


you know you haven't had enough sleep when instead of putting a cup of milk in the microwave you put in a bowl of cornflakes.....

think I need to get some fresh air...


  1. Heehee! You're not the only one. I found the cheese in the cupboard the other day. We've been laughing about it ever since. :-) Hope you get some quality shut-eye tonight.

  2. LOL, yes I know all about that. I do silly things like that when I'm over tired - like getting out a bowl when somebody has asked for a plate.

  3. Oh you as well, It must be this time of year. I;m finding it hard to do anything. I put the carton of eggs in with the washing up last week instead of in the cupboard!

  4. Or that you attempt to put the milk into the pantry cupboard instead of the fridge--LOL! That's what I did, or almost did, today...Yup, it's Monday. Can only get better from here on in, right?! ((HUGS))

  5. It looks like you got outside in the end though - a lovely photo.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! x

  6. Or when you don't put anything at all in and switch it on.

  7. I know what you mean far too well!
    I mostly get my daughters mixed up..
    Take care of yourself!! :O) Gx

  8. Made me laugh-hope today is better!x

  9. Actually we microwave cornflakes in this house...although we do add the milk first!

  10. Awww, hope you managed to get some rest. No fun when you're too tired to do normal life!

  11. You need to get those lovely children to look after you for a change.

    Now, please can you explain why you are putting hot milk on cornflakes???


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