so I seem to have blogger's block....
after happily realising that I'd been blogging for a year, I've got stuck.
no photos,
no recipes,
no sewing.
it could be because I've got a filthy cold, and I've practically lost my voice - so when we went out yesterday I was terrified " what if the children run into the road and I can't shout at them to stop" - never mind that they were both holding my hands, and daddy was there too - mother paranoia strikes again.
it could be because my head is full of school stresses - Miss K is miserable at school again, last term it was a real problem, and I had meeting after meeting with her teacher, but it never really helped. this term it's started again, not as bad, but my tolerances for the schools lack of understanding are diminished. so on Friday J and I went to look at a different school, and met the head teacher, and looked around, and she mentioned that she'd spoken to the head at the current school - so when Miss K came home and said the head teacher had come to talk to her I was so frustrated - does it take us going to visit a new school to make the old one sit up and pay attention.... and how do we possibly decide what it best - do we vote for fresh start, move her away from the friends she has, but also away from those not so friendly, and to a much smaller school where she may find her hidden confidence, it must be in there somewhere. or do we stick it out, stay where we are, opt for stability, and have more fruitless meetings with the teachers.... I bought her a
CD this week from amazon, it might not help with the confidence, and the sleep problems , but I've quite enjoyed pretending to be a jellyfish.........
it could be that a friend advised that the way to find an answer might be to write a list of everything, get very drunk and then stick a pin in the list... didn't write the list, but did drink a large amount of wine last night....
it could be that the change in seasons has unsettled me - where has autumn come from? I'm still waiting for summer....
or maybe I just need to get out my sewing machine, and then I'll have something constructive to write about, and not just a load of moaning... normal non moaning service will resume soon I promise, please forgive today's indiscretion.
on a positive note I discovered a real bonus about being ill at the weekend - an excuse to curl up on the sofa and watch
Saturday kitchen, which I really like, but never watch as we're always busy busy busy. even better J watched the end with me, where they made
chicken chasseur, and said "that looks nice - shall we have it for dinner tonight?" and then he proceeded to cook it later whilst I went for a snooze, so I woke up to a house smelling of delicious dinner, and one very pleased with himself hubby who had just cooked french cuisine!