Tuesday, 6 August 2013

sun sparkles

Bright blue skies.

Sparkling sunshine.

Sometimes you need a day of rain, (and oh how it rained.... I have rarely been so wet....)
to appreciate the sun when it comes out again.

silver sparkling tree  - Hulne Park, Alnwick. 


  1. Hi Tess,

    Glad you have had blue sky and sunshine there and yes sometimes you need a little rain.
    Happy week

  2. It rained all day here yesterday, finally stoping at teatime ..... but the garden looks better for it, and the grass is green again.

    1. oh how I love the green that comes after a good rain, you can almost hear the plants drinking and growing.

  3. Lovely, lovely photos. We do need rain. We have been on high fire alert in our county (miles of Douglas Fir forests) but rain with a thunderstorm would spell disaster. Here's hoping we just get the rain. I know it's good to have your blue skies back. Hooray.

  4. I love that first breakthrough of sunshine and blue skies after a good downpour. Sparkles is just the right word to describe it. xx

  5. What a beautiful and joyous thing the silver sparkling tree is!


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