Summer. Northumberland. Weather = variable.
occasional - blazing sun, guaranteed to turn fair English skins into lobsters in no time.
mostly - grey
often - Wet, very wet........
but that's ok. Wet days allow for a slower pace of holidaying, we don't feel we need to rush around experiencing things, there is time to play, sort out, find hidden treasures, and unfinished projects.
like the much needed repair of bunny no. 5.
bunny is Miss K's wheat bag.
he was mine when I was pregnant with Miss K and he has had many repairs.
bunnies no. 3 and and no. 4 are detailed
Bunny no. 5 spent too long in the microwave and got very burnt. in fact he stank. terribly. drastic measures were needed. normal bunny repairs consist of a new coat for bunny, and a transfer of ears, tales and insides. This time new insides were needed, and they were purchased (quite some time ago) but there were delays, the trauma of a total bunny refit takes a while to get used to. Bunnie's new outfit needs to be chosen and decisions about saving ears (no good, burnt smell wouldn't wash out) must be made.
Eventually though, bunny no. 6 is created. he is totally new, bunny no. 5 was used as a template and then said goodbye to..... bunny no. 6 has a lovely flannel back, and a towelling tummy, new linseed insides and a towelling tail. He is nice and floppy and soft. and smells nice.
I asked Miss K if she was ok that bunny was totally new, and there was none of old bunny left.
"yes, of course, it's fine, he has regenerated - bunny is a time lord!"