Tuesday, 15 November 2011

building a hideaway

we are approaching the time of year when the children start thinking about birthdays. and planning parties.

this year I am very tempted to go and build one of these

and hide in it.

I might come out in January...........


  1. That looks like fun! We used to have this huuuuuge pine tree where the lowest branches were so heavy they'd droop and create a bit of a canopy. My brother and I used to use it as our hideout. Until we discovered the poison ivy in it :)

  2. In my book, den building is the most fun you can have in a wood. But then I have led a very sheltered life ;-)

  3. I'd wait until March. Life looks so much better in March.

  4. I know that feeling well! We have a whole bunch of family celebrations in October, November and December, and now my lot are old enough to have boyfriends and girlfriends it seems even more complicated than it did when they were younger. Sounds like we'll all be in there with you given half a chance.

  5. Just send everyone out there for the various celebrations, and you can pass things out the window to them!!!!

  6. put a woodburner and comfy bed in there and you will soon have a village of mamas!! xxx

  7. That is just about the most fun ever. Can we sit in there and have tea and cake? xo

  8. is there room for another?

  9. Good idea, and take drizzle cake too!

  10. I would stay there until March - January and February are too depressing.

    My boys used to have to have joint parties - I could only cope with one a year . . .

    Pomona x

  11. If I lived in the U.K. I'd come and join you and hide away.
    Anne xx


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