Wednesday, 30 November 2011

end of the monthness

with both children off school today we went out to take photos for the scavenger hunt.
I took one. only one. oh well.
then we had hot chocolate. I guess I could have photographed that...
and we came home to get warm, and Miss K who has an ear infection and is rather grumpy patient lay on the sofa.
a bit of  end of the month blah ish really.
so I got out the fairy lights and put some of them up.
much better.
fairy lights make everything better don't you think?
and tea
and cake.
simple pleasures.
what are your "make it better" tips?


  1. tea, cake and fairy lights, you so speak my language!xx

  2. That sounds like a remedy to banish the end of month blues.

    Everyone is ahead of me in decorating
    Helen xx

  3. Extreme drunkenness. Okay, just kidding. Fairy lights and tasty treats sound about right to me, too. And armchair travel, scented baths, corresponding with friends, listening to music... (Hope tomorrow is better. Give Miss K a hug for me!) xo

  4. Ha! Have just finished putting up fairy lights!!! Am having a bit of a jewellery sale here tonight and feeling sick about it. Why oh why am I putting myself through this??? On the plus side there will be lots of mince pies and mulled wine. And the Christmas CD box is out. And the Smalls loved colouring in the advent calendar this morning. So, in answer to your question, fairy lights, mulled wine and mince pies. Ax

  5. I am going to put my Christmas bunting up. I never want to take it down so figured that this year I would put it up early!

  6. Feeling a bit blah right now - blogging taking my mind off it and then heading to the loft for the fairy lights!

  7. "Quiet", which is generally pretty scarce around here. Fairy lights sounds pretty good too... I'll try it!

  8. Yes on fairy lights. And tea and cake.

  9. Love Lynn's first suggestion!
    I don't have any fairy lights. Right now, I just want the fairies to come and clean my house!

  10. Oh absolutely and in that order too.

    Snow yet?

    Nina xxxxx

    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉


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