Wednesday 26 September 2012

looking back on five years of photos

quilt roll
Our camera is not working at the moment, and I've been feeling a little like I can't blog without it.
I realised that so much of what I write about it is because of something I've seen, or want to capture, or when I can't find the right words, I'll use a picture.

snowy birdhouse

Today is the 5th birthday of my blog, and I was going to take some celebration photographs, but instead I found myself pouring over the photo archives.


which told me a huge amount about my blogging over the years,


there are a lot of pictures of roses, of quilts and of cake

footprints in the sand
of exploring

tissue lantern

and celebrating


and crafting that I've been inspired to make.


but none of it would be there if it weren't for all of you.

thank you.

Friday 21 September 2012

deep blue sea quilt

down at the bottom of the deep blue sea

catching fishes for my tea. 1, 2, 3, wheeeee.

my children used to love that nursery rhyme when they were babies, and when I needed to make a quilt for a friend's new baby it popped right into my head and wouldn't leave, so I made a deep blue sea quilt and I hope he has lots of fun playing on, in and under it!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

retracing my footsteps

The children are both back to school, (thankfully the poorly one was better by Monday, thanks for the get well wishes) and the professorial house guest has left (having had a lovely time at the pub and learnt all about English beers!), and so with a little quiet time and by mentally retracing my footsteps I have managed to account for some of the lost time of the last few weeks.

At the end of the summer I was lucky enough to meet up with some blog friends. Lisa wrote the most delightful post about her trip to Alnmouth, I feel like I've been reading Lisa's blogs for ever and it was lovely to finally meet her, and her boys, who I recognised immediately. Lisa had come to meet Thimbleanna, who stopped off on her tour of England in Barter Books, which is the perfect place to sit, and chat, and feed your children giant cookies. It was a real pleasure to meet them both, and the time flew by far too fast. I was treated to the cutest ever bunny - who is inexplicably upside down! and a charm pack of gorgeously festive fabrics, must start planning a little project.

The plan for the next meet up was hatched over a glass of bubbly at Kew Gardens,  and after what seemed like months of planning The Coffee Lady and her lattes came to play. Realising we hadn't taken any photos we had a  "workshop" photoshoot,

which in reality was more like several days of tea, laughter, lego, fairies, food, wine

 fabric, cat worshipping, mahoosive scones, and even the odd cup of coffee!

Now I've found those 3 weeks, I'd really quite like to go and relive them all over again.....
next year perhaps....

Thursday 6 September 2012

last 3 weeks

if anyone knows what happened to the last 3 weeks of the holidays please let me know.
I lost them somewhere.

I thought things would return to normal when school started,
but I had an ill child at home all day today.

we have a visiting Professor from Chicago staying with us.

he has been taken to the pub quiz.

apparently this will be an important introduction to English culture.

I think it is a very thinly veiled excuse to go and drink beer.............

not that I would want to go, there is paralympics on tv. It is truly the most inspiring viewing, I am in awe.