Sunday 26 July 2015

scrap quilting part 1.

In January when I sorted out my fabric and had a massive folding session I also sorted out many many strips of different sizes. 

These are the 2 inch strips and they are slowly becoming a bright and random log cabin.

Each block is part white, and part one colour, with the logs selected at random.

I'm having lots of fun choosing where each block might go, there is absolutely no plan.

When I run out of strips, I'll stop.  

Tuesday 21 July 2015

The Bones of You

The Bones of You - by Debbie Howells

The Bones of You is a psychological thriller set in a quiet village in which a teenage girl is murdered. A seemingly perfect family begins to fall apart at the seams as the story unfolds. Nothing is ever quite as it seems.......
The narrative comes mostly from a mum in the village - Kate, her connection with the girl and her need to know what happens, which at times make her get too close, and lose her perspective.
The strongest voice in the story though comes from Rosie, the murdered girl. As she dies the story of her life is played out in front of her, allowing her to see from another perspective things that happened as she grew up, and how they led to what happened to her. Her voice is regretful yet insightful.
Each chapter was short and left you wanting more, switching between the story of Kate and the voice of Rosie. Slowly more and more is revealed, secrets unfold and layers of deception are discovered.

I couldn't put it down, and read it until very late at night, and the next day when I really really had other things I should have been doing..........

The sign of a good book I always think, one that makes you resent the time away from it.

What do you look for in a book? What makes the perfect read?

reviewed for mumsnetter bloggers network, with thanks to Kensington for the book.

reviews by other mumsnetter bloggers

joining in with Circle of Pines a year in books. 

Monday 20 July 2015

Happy Summer holidays

Wishing you all a Happy Summer.

I'm taking a few weeks off from technology, so I'm having a break from blog writing and visiting, and even instagram (my latest addiction.........)

I've left some scheduled posts, my calendar posts and a few others, I'll respond to any comments when I reconnect.

Have a lovely a few weeks, if you want to leave me some tips for the perfect summer break then I'd love to read them.

Friday 3 July 2015

this week

this week there has been Prom - it's quite an experience to see your baby all dressed up and grown up looking... 

my photo phobic daughter even let me indulge in endless pictures, although I'm not supposed to show them to everyone. (hence the back of the dress....... which is very pretty, and deserved to be seen, and also those curls, it took a Long time to make those.....)

in moments of calm there's been time for a few hexagons,

photo credit Women in sport

 in moments of not so calm there's been late night England Women's football. My neighbours daughter has just been short listed for best player in the world cup, it was heart breaking to watch them get knocked out. in case you're wondering, no I'm not usually at all interested in football.....

and finally in order to try and gain some control there have been lists. many lists. 
written in fountain pens as inspired by Silverpebble, because if you have to write a list it might as well be a joyful experience.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

July yes

Oh July, yes indeed, ice creams, and the smell of cut grass, and then end of term and the start of the holidays.

I shall celebrate you with "drink champagne just because day" perhaps accompanied by "an elaborate cheeseboard day" and if I over indulge then I shall partake in "be at one day"

what are your plans for July? I hope they are fun x