Sunday 29 November 2015

weekending and party planning

I've spent the weekend writing clues.
clues and puzzles and riddles, and codes and ciphers.

morse code, and polybius ciphers, dingbats and skip codes, ottendorf ciphers and date ciphers, scytales and riddles.

A complex indoor treasure hunt birthday party in the making. followed by Lots of party food.
teenage boys need Lots of party food apparently.
and ice cream.
lots of ice cream.

The teenage girl has requested a dvd, ice cream and pizza party. Much Easier.

It's been wild wet and windy here this weekend, planning cosy colourful parties is so much better than going out!

Monday 16 November 2015

there are no words


Friday 13 November 2015

gloomy weather crafting

It's been wonderfully foggy and grey and gloomy lately. Also quite wet. Not great for getting the last shots of the autumn colours, but perfect for gloomy foggy walks.

Gloomy weather also is perfect quilting weather, creating cosiness is the perfect antidote to winter grumps, and when the skies are a multitude of greys then creating colour becomes important too.

The log cabin scrap quilt that I started here suddenly started to take shape once I'd finished my star quilt, and at this size was a perfect lap quilt, but I had some logs left so it was always going to get bigger.....

First I change a few blocks in the bottom right corner, as I wasn't convinced of the colours, and then I added some more rows at the side and the top.

I'm yet to decide on the colours for the top left, hence the gap. Yellows and oranges perhaps?  Or Back from green into blues again. I'm thinking probably the latter.
I'm enormously impatient to finish it now, and cuddle up in it's warm brightness on the sofa with some dvds and popcorn. 

Also bringing colour on this gloomy day. 
Gluten free doughnuts! 
All the way from London.  

Hope you have a lovely weekend, 
I'm waiting for Miss K to get home from school and then that pink doughnut's time is up! 

joining in with Silverpebble's  making winter and Jennifer's Winter project

Wednesday 11 November 2015

the poppies

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, 
row on row.

That mark our place, 
and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard a mid the guns below.

We are the Dead,.
Short Days ago We lived,
felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, 
and now we lie in Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you from failing hands we throw the torch,
be yours to hold it high.

If you break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep
though poppies grow in Flanders fields.

 John McCrae (1872-1918)

Sunday 1 November 2015

Happy November

Goodbye October, I can't say I'll miss you. You were rather too full of doctors appointments for a child with unexplained stomach pain, and opticians and meetings and migraines and damp. I did love the blue skies at the start of the month, and the grey fog is very melodramatic and makes for wonderful spider webs with water droplets, and I did eat an awful lot of cake and have a wonderful weekend away with a friend, but you're still not my favourite month. Sorry....

So November what will you bring?

 I'm happy about "parsnip appreciation day", although I certainly don't want the children to start appreciating them, they're the one vegetable I don't insist they eat, the parsnips are mine, all mine.....
I can admit that I'll "get excited about fireworks day", we're lucky enough to be able to watch a public display from just outside the house, it's at the bottom of the hill, we get a great view, and can stand with steaming mugs of soup and watch and ooh and ahh to our hearts delight, 
Most of all I'm looking forward to "don't worry about anything day"
Happy November, I hope it's kind to you. 
What are you looking forward to?