picture the scene if you can.
the beginning of a two week school holiday.
with no plans, play dates, or parties.
heavenly you think, until 2 children say
"what are we going to
and you remember that your hubby is going away at the end of the second week, and perhaps you really should make some plans...........
we're going to enter the spring show" I say with faked enthusiasm, and show schedules are aquired, and discussed, and pored over, and the rules read.

the garden is assessed, and I decide that these daffodils are miniature, but who knows if they are on the "approved list". if they are disqualified then I guess they are not........

my plans to only have the children enter anything are thwarted when Miss K spots the class for lemon drizzle cake.
lemon drizzle cake is probably her most favourite cake in the whole world.
even more than chocolate.
how can she be a daughter of mine I wonder.
must be due to her father's genes............
anyway I am nagged and nagged to enter the lemon drizzle class.
until I cave in for some peace and quiet..........

also making an entry will be these yellow and orange daffs, who have a class of their own. I do hope I'm not supposed to know what variety they are, I was truly delighted to find them bravely growing in the corner in the shade of the last of the conifers.

and then there will be sea creatures, and funky animals made of vegetables, and scones and caramel shortbread, and decorated cupcakes in the childrens classes.............
so my kitchen tomorrow will be a bomb site of flour, and sugar, and icing and bits of mangled vegetable.
and due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland hubby is not going anywhere until the flights are uncancelled..................
which means he will be home to witness the destruction.
it's just as well I've got a
new apron, I will be stopping to read it often I think
wish me luck. not for the winning, just making it through tomorrow will be enough...........