Tuesday 29 September 2009

the move - part 2

hello there, welcome to the new house, come in, are you ready for a cup of tea and a look round?

I spent yesterday cleaning and tidying, all ready for your visit, so here goes for some before and after scenes.

first and the most important room of the house, the kitchen, not looking it's best, but the teapot is out and in use already.

and ta-da, the boxes are gone! the kitchen was my favourite room in our old house, especially after the months we spent without one, so I was really sad to leave it. This one is great too though, and I love the huge window.

E's room next, now this is tidy for him, look no lego everywhere yet.....

and all set up, just out of shot is the lego display area! This room has probably been painted the most recently and is least shabby. shame it's a rather girlie peach colour, it will have to go......

and a finished shot of Miss K's room, sparkly and colourful, and bulging with bookshelves...

here's where it gets exciting though, the plans for the house call this room the study

but it only takes two changes of letters to make that into studio

it's such a joy to have a space of my own. and I've even finished a project in it!

p.s. Freddie was thrilled to have made so many fans yesterday, and look he has a partner in crime, Sheila's cat is also one for sleeping in unusual spots. xxx

Sunday 27 September 2009

the story of the move part 1

thanks for all your lovely comments, it's great to be back! and I feel like I've moved in properly now, with all of you here with me.
the actual moving was relatively stress free, ok so the men made a huge fuss about the number of boxes, and some of the garden things, but it all got here, and I sat with the teapot on my knee in our car so there would be no delays on arrival - a girl has to get her priorities right.

boxes unpacked so far: 96...............
boxes still to unpack, some of which may never make it: - about 40
children who managed to escape from the box despite my best attempts with the tape: 1

number of times we lost Freddie in the first week: too many to count. we had to keep the cats locked in at first, so they didn't run away and get lost......... poor Freddie was so stressed that he found a new hiding place everyday, and Miss K kept wandering around wailing that he must have got out. inside cupboards, under beds, and in his cat box kept us looking for a while, but this hiding place was the sure fire winner, who would expect the cat to sleep in the sink..............

bookcases we've had to buy so far: 1
bookcases we still need: 3+
other things we need: spare bed, cupboards for the extra kitchen stuff that is still in boxes, new desk for Miss K who has had a growth spurt and can't get her legs under her old one....., new shower head - I trashed the one that was here within days - oops....
things that we have bought instead: wetsuits for the children, and body boards. oh how they love the sea.

reasons we have done hardly any unpacking, tidying, or sorting out (much to the dismay of my mother...........): the beach, the beach, the beach, some castles and some gorgeous gardens.... oh and the beach...

things we have learnt to take to the beach: flasks of hot cocoa to revive frozen children, containers of water to rinse off sand before the battle of trying to remove wetsuits from frozen children............ and this weekends revelation - deckchairs, a whole new world of comfort! very stripey and stylish they are too, but I'm not doing well with photos lately, need to try a lot harder - not being online has rather de-activated my photograph everything mentality, need to get my head back online too!

I did manage to photograph these dahlias, complete with raindrops, it certainly rained a lot at first, I began to think we might have moved to the rain forest, without the forest bit....

I was hoping to show you some lovely house photos, we have several of the before photos - boxes everywhere, but I haven't quite taken the "after" photos", mostly because it's not tidy enough, but I will soon I promise, and I'll be back with a photo of the view, and also the "gardening" we've done so far...... - it's quite destructive, and will take a while, but somewhere soon there will be photos of a greenhouse to show you - excited? I am.......

Saturday 26 September 2009

6 weeks

gosh it's been so long since I was here that I don't know where to start...

the two weeks without the internet turned into SIX.............

and then there was the five hours it took me battling with cables, and modem routers and installers....

and 455 posts on google reader which were waiting for me

and now it's past midnight, and I can hardly keep my eyes open, but it's so lovely to be back, I've really missed you all.

reading all those posts and emails was like walking into a room full of long lost friends.
