Friday 15 August 2014

random things summer holidays week 4

a quiet week in which several books are read,  siblings forget how to get along, and the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rule needed some refreshing.........

it was also a week of not enough cake, no early morning crafting - very remiss, of watching old favourite movies and old episodes of Dr Who as there is increasing excitement of the approaching new series.

a week of hairstyles as Miss K experimented with a curling wand, watching her get in a tangle trying to learn how to twist the hair round, whilst being confused by looking in the mirror was too funny for words, in the end I let her practise on me. I looked like a poodle by the end of it, lots of bonkers curls all going in different directions.............

a week of sorting out, of planning, of list writing, of making piles, of getting a suitcase to pack and finding there's a cat sleeping in it...........

ahead of us there are familiar places to visit, family traditions to uphold, new places to explore, family to see, friends to meet.

I'm taking some time off, I'll be back in a few weeks to catch up. x


  1. Wishing you a wonderful time, Tess!
    Helen xox

  2. Sounds like you have some wonderful adventures ahead, I hope you have a really love time. CJ xx

  3. Have a wonderful holiday full of exciting adventures :)

  4. I'm afraid the "if you have nothing nice to say" rule has had to be implemented here too. Firmly.

    Have a lovely break. xxx

  5. Have a great trip -- and take lots of pictures LOL!

  6. I hope that you have a nice break and look forward to your return! xx

  7. Summer break is just hard sometimes. I hope you have a wonderful break.

  8. Why do cats always make a beeline for an open suitcase ?

  9. Your summer sounds lovely. Books, you say? Wow. And if your siblings have forgotten to get on, mine are doomed.

  10. Love the take of the curling wand, I nearly got my ears burnt off the last time I let my daughter near me with one! Ouch. Have a great time. J x

  11. Have fun. Read, relax and do.
    Leanne xx

  12. Hope you're enjoying a fabulous holiday Tess, and lots and lots of cake!

  13. The nothing to say rule is ( pointlessly?) reiterated on a daily basis here. Sigh. Have a great holiday :)

  14. Squeeze the life out of the last few weeks, Tess. It'll be gone in a flash! xCathy

  15. I think this post needs a curling wand picture! Hope you have a lovely holiday! xx

  16. Enjoy your break, Tess... enjoy the last drops of summer and fun! :o) ((HUGS))

  17. Have a lovely break. See you back in blogland soon xx


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