Sunday, 1 February 2015


the February calendar informs me we must celebrate international do nothing day, create an air of mystery day, and crazy hair day. I am slightly concerned about this last one. I am quite capable of this being every day, and now wonder how I am going to limit my crazy hair to only one day of legitimacy......

mostly I am looking forward to pancakes. 
with syrup, or fruit, or lemon and sugar, but NEVER savoury. that's just wrong. 


  1. I think it it legitimate to have crazy hair on do nothing day for starters! Perhaps you could have crazy hair month not day?

  2. Crazy hair comes as standard in our house X

  3. Such a fun calendar. I'm afraid every day tends to be 'Crazy Hair Day' around here. x

  4. I have hair that goes feral at the drop of a are not alone!

  5. Savoury pancakes, nup, not happening.
    Anne xx

  6. I prefer savoury pancakes.... Crazy hair is all we do here and I am definitely going to embrace international do nothing day. Enjoy February. x

  7. They should have limp hair day, then I can really party down. I've never tried pancakes that way, it sounds delicious.

  8. I have a crazy hair day every morning. Don't know what I get up to in the night to make it such a mess! I like sweet and savoury

  9. A lot of crazy hair here, especially after an afternoon trying to keep a hood up in a strong and freezing wind. I'm not sure I'd be very good a do nothing day, unless I was allowed to do craft things. Roll on pancake day, sugar, lemon juice and sultanas, wonderful. CJ xx

  10. Practical winter pants??... are there any other kind??

  11. Pancakes come with something other than lemon and sugar! Surely not, that would be a travesty! I love them with lemon and sugar, nothing like it! Hope you have a great February! xx

  12. I love the February mantra and have to confess to occasionally using the spatula of shame with my pancakes. And they are only ever sweet.... It is the only day that you get to eat pudding for your tea (or for people not from round here.. sweet for dinner/supper)!

  13. PANCAKES!!! What a great calendar -- thanks for sharing it with us!!!

  14. I love this calendar of yours. Would it be permissible to flip some waffles instead of pancakes?
    I love the "I will not notice what you're not." I need to practice that with some people as well...and concentrate on the love.

  15. I wish my hair would misbehave. And I agree with you on the savoury pancake front. Why would you do that to yourself or your family? ;))
    Leanne xx

  16. We get to have pancakes in February? Jolly good! My crazy hair happens every day - what my mother used to call the 'wild woman of Borneo' look.

    1. I am enormously relieved to know I'm not the only blogger with crazy hair x

  17. I love your calendar, and I'm now off to google crazy hair day, I need to know the day when I can tell all the other Mums at school off for their daughters not having appropriate hair, twill make a lovely change!


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