Saturday, 21 February 2015

fridge wit

I really dislike fridge magnets.

I put up with years of the children having brightly coloured letters which they picked off the fridge door and left on the floor to be trodden on in bare feet, not good........

When we moved here the fridge was in a cupboard, hurray no magnetic surfaces, no more endless bits of paper stuck to/falling off the fridge.

When that fridge broke we replaced it with a free standing one.  And I told the children a big fat fib.
"Silver fridges aren't magnetic"
They believed me for years until a neighbour bought the exact same fridge, and they spied fridge magnets all over hers. Bother, I was caught out, so I just admitted my hatred for fridge magnets.....
The fridge remained magnet free until last weekend, a clear out of a drawer turned up this set of Shakespeare words, the children fell upon them and soon they were all over the side of the fridge....

Every now and then you find someone standing there perusing the words, making another silly sentence.

 Even me........

ps. shiny fridges not good background for photographs, apologies for the blurry shots.........


  1. Oh, boy. Shakespearean ones sound interesting at least. I don't like the poetry magnets much either but that's mostly because when I taught high school English and had a set in the classroom I was forever eliminating inappropriate things. I'm having flashbacks now... :D

  2. I have the same hatred of those bright, colourful letters, I think there are still some hiding under the fridge that just haven't been cleared up, but none on it anymore - hurray! I think I could put up with your words though, more interesting at least.

  3. Oh how funny.....I love 'better run methinks'! Those brightly coloured fridge magnets used to look so messy and unappealing to me too.....though the messages were often fun!
    Helen xox

  4. We have a LOT of fridge magnets, I go between not liking them and really liking them. Mostly the stay up there, but it bugs me if they fall/get knocked off. I like the idea of you making little poems to each other though! xx

  5. I'm always trying to lose the fridge magnets, and somehow they always reappear. I have a big one that is something to do with crayfish that just refuses to go. I do rather like your Shakespearian ones though, they look quite fun. CJ xx

  6. We had magnetic poetry on our fridge for a while - it's fun to do whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. It's now been replaced by more substantial magnets to hold all the school letters etc. in place which isn't nearly as much fun! x

  7. Our fridge is in a cupboard. I'm quite glad about that as I suspect ours would become a place to trade insults. I don't imagine Shakespeare allows you to put 'stay away fatty'!

  8. I'm no fan of fridge magnets either, and luckily our fridge is in a cupboard, but these are fun.

  9. We have a fridge built into our units, so no magnets here, and I can envisage that I wouldn't like the clutter. Do quite fancy playing with those Shakespeare ones though!! Love the silver fridges aren't magnetic line! x

  10. Must admit I've never been keen on fridge magnets ..... but there are some good ones around - and Shakespeare is different !

    All the best Jan

  11. Good job on keeping the magnets off for a while. I love fridge magnets, although our fridge seems to be sorely lacking at the moment. - Annie

  12. I always hated those colourful letter magnets! I have covered our fridge with photos to prevent further addition of magnets but I do have to admit that I like those word ones. One day.

  13. I am with you on the fridge magnets. We did have poetry words up on the fridge for about a year, but after the novelty wore off they just got on my nerves! I eventually took the plunge one day I was cleaning the kitchen and took them all down. Nobody even noticed. X

  14. Brilliant!
    I like the memories associated with our fridge magnets but don't really like the clutter effect of them oh well!

    1. yes, it's the clutter and the falling off that drive me mad....

  15. I haven't seen Shakespeare magnets before. I was glad to get rid of our bright letter ones, but I do like our photo magnets

    1. photo magnets are fun, but they still fall off and you stub your toes on them........

  16. We have both*.......still.........I have a love hate relationship with them ;)

    *the brightly coloured letters and the poetry words.

  17. Shakespeare magnets--what fun! I love fridge magnets, I must say... and we don't had children! I've got Elvis, Wonder Woman, Hello Kitty, Wallace & Gromit, great Union Jack, Hogwarts... Well, you should come over and see the collection! ;o) LOL... ((HUGS))

  18. Haha -- I don't like fridge magnets either, and luckily, our fridge has a cabinet front like your old one. I think I'd make an exception for poetry magnets though -- they look like a great lot of fun!!!

  19. Ha! Been there and done that - though never with Shakespeare ones (they're new to me!). But possibly just as annoying in a fun kind of way! Loved your pics of Bamburgh in the last post. We were on Holy Island last Sunday in the cold and rain - and it was great! xCathy

  20. Haha, love the magneticless fridge fib. We also had those horrible alphabet letters and we even had a bathroom set - no idea what I was thinking there. I must admit I like the Shakespeare ones you've got. xx

    1. oh we had some horrible foam bath ones too. they went all mildewy and I threw them away......

  21. I love fridge magnets!! mine sadly is in a a built in one though....


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