Thursday, 23 September 2010

what's your 5 year dream?

thank you for all the best wishes, but it was not to be.
apparently I don't have enough experience -
strange how's it's ever so hard to get the experience without actually doing the job, but never mind, I got an interview, and that's good experience - apparently........actually it was awful - full of ridiculous questions like "where do you see yourself in 5 years time?" for goodness sake.........

so where do I want to be in 5 years time.

mmm - how about on a beach in the Bahama's sipping cocktails.

what about you, what's your dream 5 year plan?

back to reality, I've got baking to do, I'm going to a World's biggest coffee morning tomorrow, I thought I'd made some chocolate chip cookies.


  1. ick, I hate those questions! Makes me want to be snarky and say things like "Hopefully, I'll be employed."
    As for me, I want to suddenly be wealthy so I can sew and sew all day long.

  2. Ugh, sorry it was not what you'd hoped. I have to say that as an interviewer in my previous life I never asked the 5 year quesiton. I'd rather hoped we got an idea of a candidate's ideas for their future from actually talking to them. I think it's a very lazy question.

  3. Well, heck. Although I have to say that after hearing it was to be a full-time job, I'm a little relieved. You need to have some sewing (and knitting and baking) time, after all! xoxo

    And I used to loathe that five-year question in interviews; lame! But for the record, my children will be 17 and 10 and I expect to be reveling in FREE TIME. If I live that long.

  4. Job interviews can be so predictable. Good luck on the job search. No 5 year plan for me anymore. I just take things day by day. But it I did have a plan it would be to own a cute shop somewhere by the seashore!

  5. Oh blimey - interviews. You do get some odd questions - I think they throw them in to see if you're on the to speak.

    Five year plan - I'm with you in the Bahamas!

    take care,

    Nina xxx

  6. That sucks. I always think gut reaction and how someone will fit in a team were far more important indicators. The five year question is only really for those fresh out of school or university don't you think?

  7. Their loss, that's all I can say!

    I hardly ever think about the long term future anymore, it does wonders for my stress levels and sanity.

    Ps. I'll have a piƱa colada ; )

  8. Five years? I can't even make firm decisions about the next five minutes...

    Hope you have finished the bramjacks. Ax

  9. I'm so sorry about the interview. Why do they ask those questions? But I think you have the right plan!

    K x

  10. their loss Tess....... 5 years erm lets see, new house , garden , job , minus the 5 years question hopefully

  11. Bollocks. If it makes you feel any better, I just found out I didn't even get an interview for the job I went for. So you're winning, so far.

  12. Oh you poor thing .. i HATE interviews... but you know .. a friend of mine was once asked - bizarrely - "If you were a vegetable, what would you be?" She said "A carrot" They asked why .. she said "they're bright and colorfull and everbody likes them" ... she didn't get the job! Perhaps they were looking for a cabbage ...

  13. To spend 6 months to a year traveling back to Australia, stopping in Edinburgh, South Africa, parts of Europe & Mongolia. Though I'd rather do it in about 3-4 years. :-D

    I did few interviews in my last job and to tell you the truth a lot of silly questions were asked just to ask something, though I guess proper HR people seem to believe in these type of questions as the right ones to be asked.

  14. Sorry it didn't turn out how you hoped - I hate that 5 year question too. I like to let things evolve because amazing things happen by serendipity. Good luck - I hope you find a job you like very soon.
    Helen x

  15. In 5 years time I would like to be retired and touring around France in my tent - however, I realise that would not be a great answer in an interview! xx

  16. I'm with the others - 5 years! let me just deal with the next 5 days. Lazier interviewer asking you the kind of question more appropriate for someone fresh out of college.

  17. Bah! muppetry. I agree with Val, it's a stupid question. Whatever happened to living for the moment? Next time turn round and say "Hopefully I'll have YOUR job"
    Hmm. Best not actually.
    Did you imagine them all sat there naked?apparently it eases the nerves....a tip for next time!x

  18. In five years time I'd like to own my own wool shop and be busy knitting away whilst advising customers and running knit and knatter groups. I'd also llike to be happily married and healthy. Bad luck on the job, wishing the perfect job for you to appear soon.

  19. Haven't done an interview for years - the thought of it makes me ill! Do they really still ask those stupid questions? Who can plan five years ahead these days?

  20. Oh no! I missed this - so sorry Tess. Lynn's right, if it was full time it wouldn't have left time for ANYTHING!


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