Tuesday 1 April 2014

that was March.

I feel March passed me by a little.
I wrote 3 posts.  which is woeful. 
One without any photographs at all. In which I was quite grumpy. 
One with a cover of a book. That I downloaded.
I rummaged in the camera's memory for lovely photographs and realised they were few and far between. The camera has gone back to it's old tricks of not being charged. 
The weather was has been very grey and foggy.
and when it hasn't been foggy outside it has been in my head..........

so for March I present to you a rerun of the lovely anemones, some irises from someone else's garden, some wild white beauties, a gecko, a messy desk, some fountains and crochet edging. Utterly random.

April will be better. Remember all those coastal walks from last year? 
Power walk Marathon training. 

It begins again. 
I need to stock up on jelly babies.


  1. Don't worry, we all have our ups and downs! Things will be what they will be, and we will be here waiting for you when you are able to post and understanding when you can't! Take care. xx

  2. Get yourself an iPod. You can then do all your walking listening to music and take photo's with it too! Blanket edging looks fab! J x

  3. March was similar for me, though I can't put my finger on why. April's resolution starts with 'take better photos'!

  4. March was a bit of a 'downer' for me too - but as the weather has improved so have I - enjoy April, it's going to be a good one I can feel it in my bones!

  5. sadly not mine......... but it was very cute!

  6. A very jolly collection, the Gecko made me smile! Anemones are my most recent flower obsession, no idea why I've never had them before!

  7. Three posts are so much better than none. :) A lovely mosaic.
    Anne xx

  8. Three? You did better than I did. Also you seem to have Plans and Schemes. Again, better than I do.

  9. Recycled or not, your mosaic is beautiful! April will be more cheery -- March was very drab here too. Or at least I think it was, I feel like I missed half of it LOL.

  10. Jelly babies will surely get you through - here's wishing you a fog free April. xx

  11. I had a big fat ZERO posts in March. And I think April will be the same. Your mosaic all looks very complimentary coloured and serene- no fogginess at all. I spent part of my afternoon yesterday catching newts. They are as cute as your gecko. Almost.

  12. This lovely collage of purples and fresh greens makes up for your grumpy no-picture day! Good luck with the training. xCathy

  13. And yet your mosaic is beautiful! I really struggle with taking photos in the winter. Now that spring is here everything should swing along much more easily. And I'm always more than happy to read a grumpy no-photo post, so feel free to vent any time you need to!

  14. MARATHON training????!!!! Wow! Which one are you doing?
    I think your photos are lovely - much nicer than any I take. X

  15. I love all of the shades of purple in the flowers, and how many of them are recreated in your crochet!

  16. I think you probably produced more posts than me though ;)
    Thanks for admiring my Lila, I am loving it I have to say. Hoping all is well with you Tess xox


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