Sunday, 1 May 2011

late for the hunt

oh dear, I'm late for the April hunt, and missing a few, but here are my finds....

sculpture - driftwood naturally sculpted by the sea, yellow buttercups

eggs, St George - last years birthday cake !

Shakespeare - for our choir, cross; plane trails making kisses in the sky

my camera, and a royal wedding breakfast....

back soon with excuses for my abscence, and a giveaway for a year of posts (365!)


  1. Lovely to see your photos. I really like the jet trails in the sky and that cake looks yummeeee.
    Anne xx

  2. Oooh I like the jet trails too!

    Getting a bit worried about our own jet trails though. We seem to have sooo many more flights going over our flat and the allotments these days. Sigh.

    K x

  3. That is a lovely looking Royal Wedding breakfast. I hope you have enjoyed the Easter holiday's, we have had lovely weather in Northumberland... although the North East winds do cool things down!
    Abby x

  4. You've done better than me. The second half of this month has been bonkers. Got a couple of pics on my camera but they're not even uploaded onto the computer. Think I'll write this month's scavenge off.
    Am intrigued about the absence now, mind in overdrive...Ax

  5. I didn't know you sang!

    Love the wedding breakfast - I rather fancy sticking little flags in every meal from now on.

  6. Love the flag in the mushrooms!

  7. Allowing myself a flight of fancy, imagining being in that choir with you...


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