Monday 8 July 2013

cranes and thoughts from a weekend.

important things I learnt this weekend;

when you plan a weekend away that involves a Very Long Drive it is best to carefully check the calender not just to see if the weekend is free, but to consider what is happening the week before.

otherwise your plan to set off at 3.30pm is thwarted by a school trip which doesn't return until 5pm.

never mind you console yourself, the delay will allow the traffic to clear around the big city where there are always delays.....

when you are just about to leave the house to collect child from trip, and the pizza is cooking in the oven and the car is packed, that is when you will get the text from school telling you the coach is delayed.

when you get the next text telling you the coach is delayed by 3 1/2 hours, this is when you are allowed to have a little wail of despair and put the kettle on. 

there will be time for a cup of tea after all.........

I never realized that late at night there is so very little traffic on the road.  

In fact at 2am I'd actually describe the M25 as deserted.......

and when you can't find the cable to download the photographs of the weekend, this is when you find a host of forgotten draft posts filled with pictures of random objects, including these origami cranes, and for future posts I have a golden sparkling tree for you, and parents playing with kites, and more wooly things in a wood than you could dream of in a million years......  Every cloud has a silver lining after all.


  1. These look fantastic :) have a happy week sweetie

    Bee happy x

  2. You are so right about silver clouds... a visit to a and e put an abruot end to the dreaded Teddy bears picnic on a scorching Friday afternoon...
    LOVE those cranes.

  3. Bless you, best made plans always go pear shaped for me too....
    Looking forward to seeing your silver linings.


  4. Very pretty cranes -- I'd say we are the lucky ones for your delay. And now we have more pictures to anticipate! I hope the weekend was a success, in spite of the rocky start!

  5. I would have eaten all the pizza as compensation for things going awry! I once forgot the cable when I was visiting my son ..... and he showed me where I could insert my memory card in to my laptop to upload the photos (or is it download, I get confused!)

    1. ooh that sounds clever! I wonder if I can do that.......

  6. Three and a half hours! Whose fault was that? Good job you didn't have a plane to catch! Glad you were able to salvage the trip. J x

  7. Wise thoughts indeed. And thank you for the cranes, the pictures and the idea. Now I know what we might do this school holiday afternoon.

  8. Woolly wood! Parents playing with kites!!!!

  9. Oh I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. Best laid plans and all that....xx

  10. Oh I'm sorry, but this made me laugh. Best laid plans and all that....xx


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