Monday 22 July 2013


I'm still walking in training for a half marathon in September.
I found this chair in hay meadow yesterday.
I resisted a sit down and kept walking.

Last week I ran away from visiting my in laws and went to Morecambe.
There was no sight of the sea, but there was a latte, and later some liberty fabric.

It's the first day of the holidays and so far I have spent 3 hours sorting out photographs on the laptop, - I found the cable to down the pictures from our weekend away, backing up, and generally getting distracted by last years garden photos.

The children have friends round and they are making cupcakes and covering them in smarties and hundreds and thousands.

I need to go out and buy netting, the black birds are eating all my raspberries.

Then we must make our annual holiday calendar, there is something about a large sheet of paper and some coloured pens that means planning the next 6 weeks is such fun.
What plans are you making?


  1. Hello Gorgeous. I was beginning to worry about your silence. But not enough to email you.... bad friend that I am. Our hols start tomorrow and for some insane reason we have a dentist appt. Apart from that I think I will be mainly eating ice cream.
    Speak soon my lovely, x

  2. My mother-in-law lives in Morecambe ... such an odd place!

    Plans ... to keep cool!

  3. My son 's last day is tomorrow. No plans yet. We take it day by day depending on the weather. But the freezers full up with ice cream and lollies.

    1. it has cooled down here considerably, I don't think I've been hot since Friday, we certainly didn't get the heatwave record temperatures yesterday, we baked cakes instead of eating icecream......

  4. I too, love random. Me? I'm planning for next year's tulips ... dreaming about more camping ... wondering what cake to bake for craft club tonight ... but mainly trying to distract myself from No2's impending 'Lads Holiday' next week.

  5. Embracing randomness seems the best way to go for the summer holidays. We too have the in-law trip. What have you got pencilled in for Sat 31st August?

  6. You are accomplishing a lot.Organizing photos is a time consuming job. I am planning decorating the upstairs rooms in our home


  7. I laughed when you said you ran away from visiting the in-laws -- that sounds like me! A very fun random post -- especially the chair in the field LOL!

  8. Love the chair in the field.....TOO tempting to have a sit down on a long walk! Or could be a piece of art? Wishing you happy summer planning! (I am looking forward to a trip to the seaside!) ........and lots of garden days too.
    Have fun in the sun!
    Helen x

  9. I wonder why that chair was just sitting there!? I love this sort of post where it's all bits and pieces but covers all sorts of interesting subjects. I wonder what you have put on the callendar for the holidays. Probably lots of visits to the fanfare if the children get their way! Whatever you decide. Enjoy & we'll be here waiting to share it all with you. Joan

  10. I do hate it when the iPad autocorrects without me seeing it! Grrrrrrr! I wrote....funfair! Joan

  11. Funny the chair... LOL! Just LOVE your this & that posts, Tess... That mini London is so sweet. Hope you hols are jolly fun! Here we're gearing up for painting our property fence and lots of garden work. No extra trips this year. :o/ ((HUGS))

  12. I am very excited about the Millenium Falcon. Please explain.


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