Thursday 4 July 2013

mud? rain? midges? I must be camping in an English summer......

I was going to write a post all about the arts festival.
Instead I went camping.....

Ever packed for a unplanned camping trip in 30 minutes? It's amazing what you can fling in a bag at speed. Including more medication to deliver to youngest child who had used up all his migraine medication whilst on a outward bounds camping school trip in the Lake District.
This is my tent, which thankfully was a spare staff one already put up when I arrived, late at night in the pouring rain, after driving 160 miles.

These are the children's tents. They smell like they are filled with damp 12 year old boys.
Which they were.......

And this was the view from my tent when I woke up.
It's beautiful.
But I preferred the view from my comfortable bed this morning.......


  1. Oh how exciting! Maybe a little too exciting -- unplanned and all -- but a beautiful view and location anyway!

  2. Oh not quite as planned then - hope little one was ok - migraines are horrid things.

    Am off camping this weekend - pile of stuff is growing in the hallway - can't wait - though obviously I've had more planning time ;)

    The view is stunning.

  3. I think you are brave, Tess! While I LOVE the great outdoors, I'm not sure I could camping... But with a view like that, maybe I'd get use to reduced facilities. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS)) P.S. I'll soon be closing my PranaLight blog, but am making a new creative space to be--more soon!

  4. Well there's proof that being a parent ain't easy! Camping at a moments notice certainly isn't included in the parenting books. Hope your trip was appreciated (although migraines are yuk!! :(.)I have just sorted the remains of the washing from my two campers last week end, very unsavoury but it did afford me the time to go to the arts festival so it was win win.
    Take care.

  5. Sometimes last minute 'adventures' are the best - saves hours of stress and just magnifies into a short time! Lovely view x

  6. You are a hero! I loathe packing - maybe a super-tight deadline is the way to go.

  7. What exactly did you pack?

  8. I am yet to be convinced by camping, I hear a duvet is a good thing to pack. I hope you had fun, your view was very pretty at least. - Annie

  9. I used to camp quite a lot but don't think that I would like to try now!! What a good mother...doing all that driving etc....I think that you deserve an extra lie in....just because...!! Joan

  10. Hi Tess,

    Love the pretty view of the river looking out your tent door and that would make it all worth the mud, rain and the midges.
    I know exactly what you are saying about boys, have been on a few school camps and it can be like that.

    Happy new week

  11. But it looks beautiful! Where were you? We've just had our first proper camping trip this weekend - beautiful weather for it though!

  12. You are a very good mum! Beautiful view, hopefully a compensation for the 120 mile journey and the midges and rain! I hope your youngest was ok and that the medication did the trick.

  13. I agree that view would have been better in dry weather, but still, what a view! Hope this week goes to plan :)

  14. Not sure that I'd manage to pack in 30mins.
    Great view. x

  15. The things we do for our children...

  16. You are an amazing and brave woman. My goodness. I have been on some wonderful camping trips and some that were just plain the trip from you know where.
    Spectacular views, tho.


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